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Friday, June 18, 2010

Summertime Fun!

 Makayla playing in her pool! 

I have had the most amazing time being home with Makayla this summer! Makayla has such a sweet personality and makes me laugh all day long. Of course, there are those times when she wants her way and may squeal really loud….lol…but she gets over it very fast when she sees another toy or something better to play with. MG and Jazz have definitely become buddies. For those of you that don’t know, Jazz is our male toy poodle.

We have done a lot of fun things over the last few weeks, and more fun is to come during my summer break from work. Tim and I took Makayla to the big pool at the YMCA for the first time! She absolutely loved it! We’ve went to the zoo, went on walks, met Nana for lunch, went shopping, had cook-outs, visited friends, watched movies, and snuggled a whole bunch. Oh, and MG sits in my lap as we watch Sesame Street together just about everyday. Makayla is our little dancer. Let me tell you, she will boogie to the songs on Sesame Street or any other upbeat music. This girl has loved music since she was in my belly.

One of my favorite parts of the day is when Tim gets home from work. The dogs start barking like crazy when he pulls into the driveway. Makayla makes her way over to the window and gazes out wide-eyed and all smiles. Then, when she sees Tim walking towards the door she begins yelling “Dada! Dada!” It is so very sweet and brings tears to my eyes just writing it. The funny part is that I’m just as excited to see Tim. Man, God has really blessed me with a wonderful husband that I love so dearly. And I know Tim would agree when I say how blessed we are as a family!


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