I know, I know....she is the cutest baby ever!

There are not enough hours in the day, and there are not enough minutes in the hour! At least when it comes to spending time with Tim and Makayla. It has been 4 weeks since I went back to work, and time is flying by. My days seem busy and exhausting. Friday nights seem to be my crash night. I end up falling asleep around 7:00, only waking up to nurse Makayla. Then by Saturday morning, I feel guilty for not spending more time with Tim and MG, for not unloading the dishwasher, for not doing the laundry, for not vacuuming, and so on. I am obviously still adjusting to being this person that can do it all....unfortunately, I'm just not that person.
Nana had to take MG to the doctor this week. She has baby eczema, and it got pretty bad over the last week. It is so hard to watch Makayla cry and scratch until it bleeds :( Fortunately, her pediatrician gave her some medicine that has helped a lot. She is feeling a lot better today. Thank the good Lord!
So, here I am just loving the weekends! I get to spend all day hanging out with my daughter and husband. Usually we reserve one weekend day to just completely relaxing...it's nice! Then we spend a little time tidying up the house...necessary but not so much fun. I use to enjoy cleaning by the way, but now I'd rather spend time cuddling with MG and watching her smile. Makayla is 15 weeks old today. I love watching her grow..she is so amazing! but it also made me a little sad when I packed up her 0-3 month clothing. Time really does fly when you're having fun.
Here are some new pictures I thought I would share!
Nana dressed Makayla Grace up in this cute little animal print outfit.
Makayla Grace with Daddy all geared up for game day. Go Vols!
Makayla in her jumper for the very first time on 9-26. She was really interested!...for about 10 minutes. We'll try it again in a few weeks.