shabby background

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy Birth Day Annabel Hope!

April and Scott welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world at 8:48 A.M. this morning. Annabel is 5 pounds 8 ounces and 19 inches long. She has a head full of jet black hair just like her mommy and daddy! We are so happy for April and Scott, and I’m feeling so excited as a new aunt! I can’t wait to hold that sweet little girl in my arms. Makayla and Jackson are super excited to meet their cousin Annie!

Here are some pictures of their new little miracle. A baby is truly a blessing and gift from above!

When I'm Not Enough

It’s New Year’s Eve and I’m awake. I guess a lot of people are up preparing to celebrate the New Year, but here I am in a fairly quiet house-the cat’s eating food, Jackson’s sleeping peacefully in his crib, and Tim and Makayla are sleeping on the couch. I started reading information about the ‘She Speaks’ conference through Proverbs 31 Ministries and I just happen to stumble upon someone’s personal blog-I think I read her blog for over an hour and during that hour guilt of my inadequacies crept up on my shoulders. I’ve realized that as much as I pride myself on not taking things for granted, that I actually do…and on a daily basis. I am so ashamed for that.

I don’t tell Tim enough just how much he means to me, how much I adore him, how proud I am of him, how much I depend on him, and that he means the world to me in every way possible-He is my soul mate and my best friend, the person I love sharing all my thoughts and feelings with, the one I share all my worries and fears with, the one who picks me up when I fall, the one I share all my victories and happiness with. I have not told him these things enough. Tim, thank you for showing me love by holding my hand, going on evening walks, praying for me and with me, taking out the trash, folding laundry, letting me sleep in on Saturday mornings, being an encourager, loving me and all my flaws, cooking me perfect egg and cheese sandwiches, letting me be the sweet tea taste tester, listening to me, and believing in me. How did I ever get so lucky to walk life’s journey with you? You know my love language like no one else, and we are forever connected as one by God’s gracious love. You truly are my other half-I am complete with you, my love.

I don’t tell my mom and dad enough just what an impact they’ve made on my life. They’ve been there through thick and then, loved me through my rebellious days, and boy there were plenty of those; gotten me out of trouble, given me a shoulder to cry on, prayed over and for me, comforted me after bad dreams and circumstances, brushed my hair, showed me how to take care of a car, and taught me that family is most important. Not to mention those times when Mom filled up my pantry and refrigerator with food. And the many times Dad wanted to take my car for a drive, and then returned it with a full tank of gas. You both have cared for me and loved me unconditionally. I have not thanked you enough. Mom and Dad, you both are amazing people whom I will always adore.

I don’t tell my sisters enough just how much I need them. What can I say, out of all people you are the two that put up with me all those years growing up. Lol. The ones who loved me, said everything would be okay, gave me 2 baby showers, hugged me, supported me on my wedding day, wrote songs and poems with me, babysat for me so I could go on a date with my husband. Thanks for being the best sisters in the world. Summer and April, thanks for being such special friends to me. I don’t tell you enough how much I need you. I hope I will always show the same wonderful friendship to you as you’ve shown to me. Love you both.

I have to say that I’m constantly telling my kids how much I love and adore them, and how proud I am at each new milestone and accomplishment. I pray for them and over them, but I don’t pray with them enough. Although they are both very young (especially Jackson) I can still be an example to them and lead them in the way to pray so that hopefully one day they will feel comfortable in their own personal conversations with God. Makayla and Jackson, you two and your daddy are the angels in my life. Thank you for showing me such beauty in little things I take for granted-I pray that I will pray with you more and together we will have conversations with God. I love you both so much!

There are many other people on my heart as I write tonight- I just know that I need to take more time to love on these people-I need to be more intentional on making the people in my life feel special and loved. I pray that God will use my self-reflection tonight to help me slow down and show His love and light through my words and actions. My family is so wonderful and I couldn’t be more blessed. I am inadequate, not enough- but thankfully God’s grace is perfectly sufficient and I praise Him for that. “But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9

Friday, December 30, 2011

The Mom Journey: Christmas Memories in Photographs Part 2

At the Grandparents' Houses!

Joe and Summer
Scott and April
We had plenty of sweet treats! Notice my parents new dog, Dakota! He's a Labradoodle. :-)
My mom & dad-(Sonya and Jacky)
Me & my sisters

Christmas Memories in Photographs Part 1

Christmas was truly magical this year; it was a time of celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and spending time with family. We went to the Christmas Eve church service on Saturday night. Jackson walked all the way across the nursery room just to give me a hug-about 15-20 steps! Way to go Little Jack! Makayla was mesmerized by the musicians and couldn't stop smiling and clapping. It was a wonderful evening at home as well; we made homemade donuts from biscuit mix, and MG frosted and sprinkled them. It was the Finstad version of a birthday cake for Jesus! We decided to leave one out for Santa just in case he wanted something besides cookies. I'm pretty sure he liked it too!  Christmas morning was both relaxing and exciting. The kids slept in until 9:00 am- we couldn't believe it but didn't complain since Tim and I were up till 2am wrapping presents-that's our tradition-though I think I might change it next year. I read Makayla and Jackson the story of Jesus' birth before heading out to the living room to open presents-we feel it's so important for our kids to celebrate Jesus on Christmas Day and every day. I cooked up a yummy batch of cream cheese and sausage crescent rolls for breakfast. Needless to say they were eaten up pretty quickly. Our children's bright eyes and happiness were the highlights of our day. Not just from opening the presents but from visiting family too. Well, another highlight was the amount of goodies my mom and sister made from reindeer food to danish cookies to peanut brittle and chocolate chip coconut cookies!

Looking good in our snow hats!
We made homemade birthday donuts to celebrate Jesus' birthday!

So good and fun to make!
It looks like Lexi got her treat too!

Decided to leave one for Santa-I'm sure he eats enough cookies.  

Makayla's excitement is quite evident!
Jackson tore right into his presents-he had a blast!
Jackson's 1st Christmas!
Fun times together- brother & sister!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Why Don’t They Believe?...a poem from the heart

I’m so amazed by you Lord, how you chose to come for me
As a baby boy wrapped in cloth for warmth

 Why Don’t They Believe?

Dear God,

They say you don’t exist
You seek them but they still resist
They think we are all alone
Yet one day we’ll be forever home

Oh, why don’t they believe?

They don’t believe you came for me
In perfect harmony
With this world that you designed
From the start we were in your mind

If only they could feel what I feel
If only they could see what I’ve seen
If only they could hear your voice
In the stillness of a summer breeze
Oh why don’t they believe?

They unashamedly say your name in vain
Ignore your anger when you send the stormy rain
Go on and on as if they’re right
Disregard your power, glory, and might

Oh, why don’t they believe?

They don’t believe you came for me
In perfect harmony
With this world that you designed
From the start we were in your mind

If only they could feel what I feel
If only they could see what I’ve seen
If only they could hear your voice
In the stillness of a summer breeze
Oh why don’t they believe?

They say they haven’t felt your presence
Well I’ve felt your Holy Spirit in my very essence
They say they haven’t heard your voice
Well I’ve heard your voice again and again
They need to know it’s all about choice
They say they haven’t seen you before
Well, I’ve seen you - in my dreams, in the beauty of the sunset, in the colors of a rainbow, in my child’s eyes, the dew in the morning, the snow falling in pure perfection, a perfect summer’s night, the stars in the sky, the sun shining bright, in the vows on my wedding day, in the words on a page, the painted fall landscapes, the soaring mountains, the blooming flowers in the spring, the grand oceans, the soft sand on my feet, all the delights and happiness I’ll ever need-I’ve seen the ones you’ve sent- the angels watching over us-Oh how I want them to believe, they must-they really must.

Oh, why don’t they believe?

They don’t believe you came for me
In perfect harmony
With this world that you designed
From the start we were in your mind

If only they could feel what I feel
If only they could see what I’ve seen
If only they could hear your voice
In the stillness of a summer breeze
Oh why don’t they believe?

Not only did you come for me, you came for them too
I want them to know that You can make them new

Your Child,

I’ll keep praying for the lost; the broken; the ones who don’t believe
Because some things are REAL whether you believe them or not.
God Bless & Merry Christmas! Christ is surely the REASON for the SEASON!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Visit to the Rheumatologist

I finally went to see a rheumatologist today. A lot of blood work, x-rays, and 3.5 hours later I left feeling very hopeful. So here’s the deal- still no definite diagnosis but she said excellent prognosis. Like my PCP, they still think I have an inflammatory arthritis of some sort- either rheumatoid or post viral. If it's post viral arthritis it can go away for good at some point. Either way, it’s treatable and I don’t have to live with pain everyday or the debilitating flares I’ve had over the last year. The blood work should come back in two weeks and should rule out some other nasty stuff like lupus or Lyme disease. For now, I am feeling better-not without pain trust me.
 I do indeed have much more to SMILE about than to frown about so I gotta keep moving on my toes! God has blessed me abundantly and I’m leaning on Him! I’m so incredibly glad I have an understanding husband-he really takes on a lot when I have these flares- Tim is awesome, if you don’t already know that. ;-)

“Wake up and hold your head up high
Challenge your future to a fight
Open up your hands
No more lonely house of tears
Slam the door on all your fears
They're not welcome here”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Christmas Pictures in the Making

I am determined this year to make our own Christmas pictures so I set up shop and got the kids dressed! An hour and a half later we were done-I mean everyone was 'done'. Here are a few snapshots of our self-made photo shoot! Keep in mind that everytime I hit the camera button I had 10 seconds to run back to the couch (Jackson on my hip!) and smile. The kids were hilarious- Tim and I were a bit stresssed-but after looking at these pictures I couldn't stop laughing. This is so "us"! ;-) Enjoy.

Tim was barefoot!


Friday, December 2, 2011

Priceless Potential for Children- Proud of My 2nd Graders!

For a moment I thought to myself, “Can second graders do a book report or am I asking too much from them? My second thought was something like this, “We should never doubt that a child can do something because if you doubt that a child can do it then they probably won’t-even if they can. If you encourage a child and praise them for their effort they just may surprise you.”
Kids want to know that you are proud of the hard work they did.”
I am an optimistic teacher. I truly believe that given the right environment, with clear directions and a supportive atmosphere, that children will rise to the occasion and learning will be maximized.

Here are just a few of the book reports my 2nd grade students did.Click on the picture to get a better view of their awesome work!

Here are just 4 of them. I have 16 more hanging on my classroom walls.

Book report for a fiction story

-one for non-fiction-

A high expectation for your children (students) to do their personal best naturally creates an atmosphere of accomplishment. These accomplishments or “achievements” may or may not appear as ‘proficient’ or ‘advanced’ on a standardized achievement test, but they will appear as priceless potential in the hearts of our children. I personally believe that “in the heart is where it starts!”

Words to leave you with today.
Remember to praise your children, whether it is your own children or other children in your life-or both. Encourage them, love them, and let them know by your words and actions that you care and are for them. Above all, let them know that love and kindness bring light into this world. After all, our children today are our leaders of tomorrow.

I Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up…”

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Ornament Excitement!

Makayla had been looking at Nana and Grandads Christmas tree for weeks now, so it was a big hit when we got our Christmas tree and ornaments out over the weekend. I love her expression-such excitement, wonder, and joy-that's Makayla Grace!

Love that girl!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Food Fun When Mom's Not Home

I had to work late one day last week which meant that Tim had dinner duty-Tim thought Jackson could feed himself. He even took pictures to prove it- haha! :-)

Lovin my silly-silly boys!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The other part of LJ's Appointment- (The Squeamish Should Skip This Post)

Jackson had his well-child appointment yesterday and we praise God for a healthy baby boy! There were, however, a few negative features during our visit. First of all, an assistant whom I’ve never seen before came in to prick LJ’s finger for routine blood work. The majority of the blood went all over Jackson’s hand and leg, and on my shirt! His hemoglobin came back 5…uh yeah not really possible with a completely healthy baby. So a different nurse had to come in a prick another finger; she didn’t have a problem. This time his hemoglobin was normal of course. So two finger pricks-1 totally unnecessary-and a flu shot.

But that’s not even the bad part! Jackson had (still has on the other side I think) a penile adhesion. It’s a complication from circumcision; look it up if you want too-it’s basically when the foreskin reattaches itself. Anyhow, the pediatrician ripped back the foreskin on his penis -no pain med-no numbing cream-nothing- now red, raw and swollen. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a child scream so loudly! I think every bit of color left my face in an instant. I literally almost passed out. He cried for 3 hours last night. I mean I can’t blame him cause he’s in pain. When I tried to clean him last night(the way they told me too) he cried, shook, and peed all in my face. I guess I deserved that too. Anyhow, please pray for my sweet little guy. I feel so incredibly awful that my son has to endure this pain. I wish I would have known more about circumcision 10 months ago. Please pray for Jackson to heal correctly and for the Tylenol and hugs from mommy to ease his pain.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Jackson is 10 Months Old!

My sweet and handsome baby boy is already 10 months old! That means that he will be 1 year old in two months! The last ten months have just flown by, and I am so blessed to be this little guy’s mommy. Jackson is a little climber and loves to go for anything he shouldn’t like the TV remote, dog food, water bowl, dog toys, cell phones, and shoes. He is walking along furniture but still loves to crawl. Actually he is a super fast crawler; I’ve never seen a baby move that fast. He has the best laugh and his giggles are so contagious. He loves playing with his big sister Makayla. They were wrestling and giggling in the floor yesterday. It’s very sweet to see them starting to really play together. Now I only hope for something that is not as rough as wrestling! Haha! Anyhow, his 9 month well-child visit is next week (yeah a little late I know) and I’ll be sure to post some updates like his weight and height. I’m so very blessed and happy to be Jackson’s mom!

Little Jacks Faves

Cooked carrots
Diced apples

Play kitchen
Shoes ( I know this is not really a toy and actually kinda gross. But if he sees a shoe laying around he goes for it.)
Books (He actually enjoys chewing on them more than looking at them.)

1st tooth- bottom right
2nd tooth-top right
3rd tooth-top left

Daily Activities
-          Continues to enjoy banging, waving, and throwing toys
-          Imitates play (especially with big sister MG)
-          Explores foods with fingers (often throwing it on the floor with a big smile as if he’s accomplished something important)
Motor Skills
-          pulls to a standing position and walks holding onto objects
-          starting to notice stranger anxiety –he was very clingy to mommy at his check-up
-          resists what he does not want to do
-          loves showing off for us
-          leaves when we leave the room
-          extremely difficult to diaper
-imitates sounds and conversation
- says “hi” “hey”
-says Mama
-says Dada
-says Sissy (I think) I swear he said Makayla before but who knows
-says Nana
-says baba (bottle)
-says Jazz (I think-that’s our dog)

I'm Feeling Better

Over the last two weeks I’ve suffered from severe muscle and joint pain. Unfortunately it became extremely bad there for a few days, along with many other symptoms. This was not the first episode I’ve had like this, so I know it won’t be the last. So like last time I was put on a round of Prednisone which has worked like a charm. Today I am so thankful to be feeling better. I was able to do stuff around the house and play with my kids! I will probably never again take for granted being able to do stuff like pick up my kids, cook dinner, open a jar, pump gas in my car, blow dry my hair, and a dozen other things that have been a big challenge over the last week. Just when I thought I was at my limit God stepped in, sustained me, and once again showed me that His love is limitless. Seriously I wish I could adequately express my love for God, but there just aren’t enough words to say how awesome and wonderful He is!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

I will be seeing a specialist in a few weeks to hopefully rule out some serious diagnoses such as RA, Lupus, or Fibromyalgia. I haven’t talked much about this health stuff until this week when I was forced to ask for help to do a lot of mundane tasks; tasks that I will now delight in. I surely know that my blessings outweigh any trials I go through.


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

singing with my kids.

We love singing at our house. I know I'm not a great singer but these are just some precious times with my kids that I want to share on here anyways. Makayla Grace and Jackson are such beautiful blessings in my life. I love being a mom and especially love making these memories. :-)

I love hearing our sweet Makayla Grace sing "Jesus Loves Me"!

Sometimes singing helps Jackson settle down for the night. (off key and sick but LJ doesn't care)