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Saturday, November 12, 2011

I'm Feeling Better

Over the last two weeks I’ve suffered from severe muscle and joint pain. Unfortunately it became extremely bad there for a few days, along with many other symptoms. This was not the first episode I’ve had like this, so I know it won’t be the last. So like last time I was put on a round of Prednisone which has worked like a charm. Today I am so thankful to be feeling better. I was able to do stuff around the house and play with my kids! I will probably never again take for granted being able to do stuff like pick up my kids, cook dinner, open a jar, pump gas in my car, blow dry my hair, and a dozen other things that have been a big challenge over the last week. Just when I thought I was at my limit God stepped in, sustained me, and once again showed me that His love is limitless. Seriously I wish I could adequately express my love for God, but there just aren’t enough words to say how awesome and wonderful He is!

I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13

I will be seeing a specialist in a few weeks to hopefully rule out some serious diagnoses such as RA, Lupus, or Fibromyalgia. I haven’t talked much about this health stuff until this week when I was forced to ask for help to do a lot of mundane tasks; tasks that I will now delight in. I surely know that my blessings outweigh any trials I go through.


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