My sweet and handsome baby boy is already 10 months old! That means that he will be 1 year old in two months! The last ten months have just flown by, and I am so blessed to be this little guy’s mommy. Jackson is a little climber and loves to go for anything he shouldn’t like the TV remote, dog food, water bowl, dog toys, cell phones, and shoes. He is walking along furniture but still loves to crawl. Actually he is a super fast crawler; I’ve never seen a baby move that fast. He has the best laugh and his giggles are so contagious. He loves playing with his big sister Makayla. They were wrestling and giggling in the floor yesterday. It’s very sweet to see them starting to really play together. Now I only hope for something that is not as rough as wrestling! Haha! Anyhow, his 9 month well-child visit is next week (yeah a little late I know) and I’ll be sure to post some updates like his weight and height. I’m so very blessed and happy to be Jackson’s mom!
Little Jacks Faves
Cooked carrots
Diced apples
Play kitchen
Shoes ( I know this is not really a toy and actually kinda gross. But if he sees a shoe laying around he goes for it.)
Books (He actually enjoys chewing on them more than looking at them.)
1st tooth- bottom right
2nd tooth-top right
3rd tooth-top left
Daily Activities
- Continues to enjoy banging, waving, and throwing toys
- Imitates play (especially with big sister MG)
- Explores foods with fingers (often throwing it on the floor with a big smile as if he’s accomplished something important)
Motor Skills
- pulls to a standing position and walks holding onto objects
- starting to notice stranger anxiety –he was very clingy to mommy at his check-up
- resists what he does not want to do
- loves showing off for us
- leaves when we leave the room
- extremely difficult to diaper
-imitates sounds and conversation
- says “hi” “hey”
-says Mama
-says Dada
-says Sissy (I think) I swear he said Makayla before but who knows
-says Nana
-says baba (bottle)
-says Jazz (I think-that’s our dog)
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