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Saturday, November 19, 2011

The other part of LJ's Appointment- (The Squeamish Should Skip This Post)

Jackson had his well-child appointment yesterday and we praise God for a healthy baby boy! There were, however, a few negative features during our visit. First of all, an assistant whom I’ve never seen before came in to prick LJ’s finger for routine blood work. The majority of the blood went all over Jackson’s hand and leg, and on my shirt! His hemoglobin came back 5…uh yeah not really possible with a completely healthy baby. So a different nurse had to come in a prick another finger; she didn’t have a problem. This time his hemoglobin was normal of course. So two finger pricks-1 totally unnecessary-and a flu shot.

But that’s not even the bad part! Jackson had (still has on the other side I think) a penile adhesion. It’s a complication from circumcision; look it up if you want too-it’s basically when the foreskin reattaches itself. Anyhow, the pediatrician ripped back the foreskin on his penis -no pain med-no numbing cream-nothing- now red, raw and swollen. I don’t think I’ve ever heard a child scream so loudly! I think every bit of color left my face in an instant. I literally almost passed out. He cried for 3 hours last night. I mean I can’t blame him cause he’s in pain. When I tried to clean him last night(the way they told me too) he cried, shook, and peed all in my face. I guess I deserved that too. Anyhow, please pray for my sweet little guy. I feel so incredibly awful that my son has to endure this pain. I wish I would have known more about circumcision 10 months ago. Please pray for Jackson to heal correctly and for the Tylenol and hugs from mommy to ease his pain.


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