Christmas was truly magical this year; it was a time of celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ and spending time with family. We went to the Christmas Eve church service on Saturday night. Jackson walked all the way across the nursery room just to give me a hug-about 15-20 steps! Way to go Little Jack! Makayla was mesmerized by the musicians and couldn't stop smiling and clapping. It was a wonderful evening at home as well; we made homemade donuts from biscuit mix, and MG frosted and sprinkled them. It was the Finstad version of a birthday cake for Jesus! We decided to leave one out for Santa just in case he wanted something besides cookies. I'm pretty sure he liked it too! Christmas morning was both relaxing and exciting. The kids slept in until 9:00 am- we couldn't believe it but didn't complain since Tim and I were up till 2am wrapping presents-that's our tradition-though I think I might change it next year. I read Makayla and Jackson the story of Jesus' birth before heading out to the living room to open presents-we feel it's so important for our kids to celebrate Jesus on Christmas Day and every day. I cooked up a yummy batch of cream cheese and sausage crescent rolls for breakfast. Needless to say they were eaten up pretty quickly. Our children's bright eyes and happiness were the highlights of our day. Not just from opening the presents but from visiting family too. Well, another highlight was the amount of goodies my mom and sister made from reindeer food to danish cookies to peanut brittle and chocolate chip coconut cookies!
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Looking good in our snow hats! |
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We made homemade birthday donuts to celebrate Jesus' birthday! |
So good and fun to make! |
It looks like Lexi got her treat too! |
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Decided to leave one for Santa-I'm sure he eats enough cookies.  |
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Makayla's excitement is quite evident! |
Jackson tore right into his presents-he had a blast! |
Jackson's 1st Christmas! |
Fun times together- brother & sister! |
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