All my babies in one photo! Love it! What a blessing from the Lord!
Wow, just saying ‘mother of 2’ makes me excited and nervous at the same time! I am so happy Tim and I have finally told everyone that baby # 2 will be here in January. It is difficult to keep such exciting news from people, but at the same time it’s kind of special for Tim and I to share that by ourselves for awhile. We waited till the 2nd trimester with Makayla too and it was very nice. We had that time to talk about it, dream about her, and make our own decisions without input from others. Once the “cat is out of the bag” is when you get all the advice from everyone including strangers…lol. But so far I haven’t had much advice, just congratulations. I guess when people see that your first child is doing okay they realize you might know how to do it after all. But honestly, I have received some tremendous advice from friends and family that has proved to be very helpful; especially from my Mom. Thanks Mom! Now I find myself giving advice to first time moms…ironic isn’t it….because I’m certainly not an expert at this mom thing! I'm sure I'll be the one asking for advice soon enough...haha!
Anyhow, I am so excited for Makayla to be a big sister! I just know that she will adore this new little baby (okay I hope). I heard that MG will be too young to be jealous…but I guess we will eventually find that out. Tim and I always wanted our children to be close in age, so this has turned out to be great for us. Makayla and her little brother
or sister will be just under 18 months apart. Uh…my thoughts just turned to diapers…and diapers…and diapers. Nah, maybe MG will be potty trained early!
Well, that’s all I have time to write right now. I will leave you with some cute new pictures.
Until next time,
8 Week Ultrasound
I love this picture!! This is when we told Makayla she was going to be a big sister! Honestly, she seemed to know what we were
12 Week Ultrasound
It's amazing how fast the baby has grown!
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