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Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Tubes & Cortisone

So for those of you wanting to know-I took little Jack to the ENT today & he will be getting tubes in his ears & a possible adenoidectomy at the end of the month. I pray that the tubes help! I am nervous, but Dr. Little is apparently one of the best in the state. Sweet little Jackson has been through a lot of ear infections since starting daycare in August. He’s had 6 ear infections to be exact. I really hope they don’t have to take out the adenoids. Dr. Little said the tubes are a short term fix and the adenoids are a long term fix. Back in October we were told his adenoids are large and that’s probably why he snores sometimes. The doctor reassured me that this is a common simple surgery and not a big deal. Um yeah, any surgery on one of my babies is a big deal to me.

As for me, I got a cortisone injection yesterday for my arthritis flare. In addition to the pain I've developed low blood pressure, 80/60 & I have many symptoms that go along with hypotension. I hope I don’t faint & bust my butt at school; that would be very embarrassing. Dr. Kipple also took me off the Plaquenil. The Plaquenil has really helped preventing flares but I’ve had some strange side effects too like dizziness, nausea, and photosensitivity. Hopefully the blood tests will give me some answers. I could use some prayers- Arthritis can be very frustrating- I do NOT want to be on prednisone everyday like I was last year. That stuff works a miracle but it blows me up like a blowfish!  and quite frankly I don’t think blowfish are attractive.

Until next time, 

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