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Sunday, June 27, 2010

A Letter from Mommy

Dear Makayla,

It’s hard to believe that you’re one year old today! A year ago today Daddy and I met you for the first time. We were immediately in love. You are the most perfect gift God has given to us, and we thank Him for you everyday. It seems like just yesterday that we were holding you as a newborn baby, and now we are cheering you on as walk, talk, and learn new things everyday. You are a wonderful baby. Everyone always tells us how beautiful you are, of course they don’t need to tell me because I know more than anyone else (besides your Daddy). You smile and wave at everyone you see. Everywhere we go there are people that come up and talk to you, and tell us just what a happy girl you are! Again, we already know that, but feel blessed to be able to share your happiness and sweetness with others. Did I ever tell you that I dreamt of you for a very long time? Well, I did. There are many days that I just watch you sleep peacefully and can’t believe you are mine; you are a dream come true. You are a silly girl too! You sometimes get this cute little expression where you pucker up your lips and nod your head up and down. You giggle all the time, and boy it makes me laugh too. You are a singer and a dancer. Daddy and I love to put on music just to watch you sing and boogie to a beat! Your favorite show is Sesame Street, and you watch it just about every day. Of course you don’t watch all of it because you’re busy playing with your toys too. Your favorite character is Elmo, and that is why we bought you a talking Elmo for your birthday! You love him! Your eyes light up and you give your little Elmo a sweet hug and kiss. You melt my heart Makayla, and I pray I will always be the best Mommy I can be to you. I pray that both Daddy and I will always seek the Lord’s guidance in teaching you life’s little lessons and guiding you through your life’s journey. I know that my life’s journey has only gotten better since you were born.

Happy 1st Birthday Makayla Grace!

Love Always,

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