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Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Time Fun

So glad it's the summertime! Nothing can beat having time off work to spend with the family, grilling out, staying up late, swimming, and all the other stuff that just makes this journey even better!

they look so much alike

Both kids love the water so any time we get a chance to swim in a pool we take it! We went over to my sister April’s townhouse the other day and had so much fun with the kids. FYI: April is engaged & I’m so happy for her and Scott.
I can’t wait till this weekend and next week when we get to splash around in a pool some more. Too bad we don’t have one at our house. Haha! Laughing by myself right now cause I just remembered when Tim & I got the stupid smart idea to buy a pool for our backyard last year. Well the pool was much bigger than our yard so we ended up taking it back to Wally World. Lesson learned. Anyhow here are some pics. 

Jackson's 1st time at the pool




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