Okay so I really need to blog more…between playing with the
kids, laundry, devotional time, work, spending time with Tim, laundry, cleaning
dishes, sweeping, cooking, exercising, laundry, and showering (haha! Gotta fit
that in right!) I’ve been slacking on the blogging department. I will have to
admit that I miss it. I just LOVE writing/blogging-it’s an awesome way to
remember our sweet times that become memories too soon. Time is flying by!! Plus
it’s just the way I sort my emotions. :-)
Well, I just made the best Egg Free Chocolate Cream Cheese
Chocolate Chip Cookies with whole wheat flour! So I thought I would post the
recipe real quick. Makayla rarely gets
special treats like this because they have to be egg free and because I like
foods that are pretty healthy for my kids. Today, she was so excited cause I
decided to splurge! Right now I'm watching MG & Jack eat their little
cookie, and let me tell you it's so sweet
to watch! Hopefully this will help all of us feel better cause we're feeling
kinda yucky at our house...ugh. Oh, Oh did I mention that this dough is awesome
when frozen (it's safe to eat raw because it's EGG FREE) :-) Enjoy…seriously, mix it,
bake it, and sit for 5 minutes and indulge. You won’t regret it.
Much Love,
Egg Free Chocolate
Cream Cheese Chocolate Chip Cookies
You can skip the ‘adding the cocoa’ and they’ll be regular
chocolate chip cookies. I’ve made them both ways and it’s so good. If I want a
batch half and half (like the picture above) then I will just split the cookie batter and add half the
cocoa to the one half.
1/2 C Butter (1 stick)
1/3 C Sugar
1/2 C Brown Sugar
1 1/2 C Flour (Whole wheat flour is great too)
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp salt
3-4 tsp of real cocoa
2 ½ tsp Vanilla (better if you use real
3 TBSP Vegetable Oil
1/3 C of whipped cream cheese
Chocolate Chips
Cream together the butter and sugars
(usually around 2 to 3 minutes)
Slowly add in Flour, cocoa and baking soda (mix will be dry after this step)
Add in Vanilla and Oil and cream together for another 2 to 3 minutes or until dough consistency. I pat it wil my hands to get it formed into a big ball.
Add cream cheese and cream together for about 15 seconds.
Add Chocolate chips
Bake at 350 for 8 to 10 min max. Leave them on baking sheet for about 5 more
minutes then transfer to cooling racks.
icecream topped with cookie dough balls. |
Approval from the kiddos!! :-)