shabby background

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Week 4: Indoor playtime

It has been bitterly cold here lately which means playing a lot more inside. Makayla is quite content with her dolls and enjoys using her imagination. I really love listening to her play. In these times I hear her sweetness, compassion, and playfulness. Jackson is our little explorer. He seems to find things that's been lost for weeks...or he hides things that will be lost for weeks! :-) His favorite "toy" right now is Grandad's flashlight. Night or day, he wants that flashlight. I love how excited he gets over the "small stuff." 
watching the tiny snowflakes fall down
showing off his new find..notice his flashlight is not far off.
a brief pause at playing with her barbies to smile for mommy
and...he found something else! :-)
our little explorer
bangs swept back & pretty eyes

Monday, January 20, 2014

Christmas 2013

I just can't write a lot of detail about Christmas right now because Granny passed away just hours after these pictures were taken. I will say that we had a lovely day. The kids were so excited and there was a lot of energy in the air. I felt a bit anxious the whole day for some reason, but still made sure to capture pictures and tried not to miss a beat. The kids had fun and it really was a wonderful day. I remember having a brief conversation with my dad and sister about how blessed we are that "all" of us were there to celebrate Christmas and you never know what tomorrow holds. Boy, we sure didn't.

Anyhow, this season was filled with so many blessings. Tim and I were able to be faithful stewards of God's blessings, and we experienced the joy of giving in a way that we hadn't in many years. Giving is so much better than receiving. Life is precious and it's such a joy to my heart to help others. More importantly, it's even more awesome when that person said "Thank you!" and I could respond,"Thank God" because He is the true giver. 

Take care of the life you have been given and LOVE on those around you as much as you can. I praise God the Father for sending his Precious Son, Jesus. Our lives are so different now because of Him. 

Merry Christmas & many blessings, 
Merry Christmas!

taking pictures with kids! It can only get easier, right?

Family portrait

Silly photo. I love this. Granny is even sticking out her tongue. :-)

Life.Gentleness.Stories Untold.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Week 3:

Here is Jackson opening one of his birthday presents.

After cupcake kisses

Sweet embrace from my 3 year old! Wow, how time flies. 

Mouth full of chocolate cupcake. Who wouldn't smile?!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Week 2: "I found it!"

You know that feeling when you are searching diligently for something, and then you find it? Jackson knows.

Makayla found something special too! She found a magic wand on the clearance at the store. It made her day!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Week 1: Fur Babies

Rosie and Nala Kitty

I'm thinking outside the box on this one, but really I just couldn't pass this one up. Here are 2 of my sweet, little fur babies. I caught them napping next to each other. I guess the tight quarters in my parent's bonus room is enough to make them love on each other.

A reminder for me to cherish every moment with the ones I love; for time is fleeting. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Project 52

I have recently read about a great photographic journey idea! I will post at least one picture each week of the year; so that's 52 posts of picture; pictures of little moments that I want to remember forever. I don't know how I will choose the pictures or if I will even remember to take pictures every week, but this sounds so neat to me. I am going to change up the way I do it though. Since my blog is mostly about my journey as a mom then I want to call it Project 52: That's 52 Mommy Moments. I will see what transpires.

Happy New Year!