~snuggle time with my kids~ |
"It’s the best of jobs. It’s the most difficult of jobs. It can bring you the greatest joy. It can cause the greatest pain. There is nothing as fulfilling and exhilarating. There’s nothing so depleting and exhausting. No area of your life can make you feel more like a success when everything is going well. No area of your life can make you feel more like a failure when things go wrong."
(from The Power of a Praying Parent, By Stormie Omartian)
I am now a mom of 2 kids under age 2! I cannot imagine a better or more fulfilling job in this life, but at the same time it can be challenging. I pray to God that I will have the energy I need to give my children the attention they deserve on a daily basis. Eventually, and hopefully soon, we will have a routine down that flows more smoothly, but for now I just roll with the punches. Over the last few weeks I’ve been wondering (and worried) how I’m going to balance everything in my life. Well, I’ve finally decided to stop worrying about ‘balancing’ and just do what needs to be done the best that I can. The first 3 weeks after Jackson was born were pretty exhausting since I was trying to recover from a c-section, anemia, 3-4 hours of sleep per day, and Makayla’s demands for more attention (I can’t blame her though-her world just got turned upside down). I remember when MG was born I was totally unprepared for the lack of sleep but this time around I felt more prepared mentally…which I think has sped up my recovery!
Thanks to everyone who brought us meals those first 2 weeks after Jackson was born; each of you are a God-send! Thanks to my mom who came over to help right after Tim went back to work. The 2nd week was demanding & I couldn’t have done it without my mom’s help. And of course, thanks to my fantastic husband who has been changing many diapers and getting peed on in the process! HAHA! Makayla has begun to be Mommy’s helper and really adores her baby brother (finally). Whenever he cries she runs up to him saying “Jackson, Jackson, AWE!” It is so cute. I really look forward to those years when they will start playing together and building onto that sibling bond that will last forever.
Exhilarated & Exhausted,
Shawna :-)