shabby background

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First Week Back to Work

My first week back to work was how I expected....difficult and exhausting. Each morning as Tim would leave to take MG to Nana's house, I would feel sick to my stomach. Literally, I felt like I was going to vomit, but I never did.  People kept saying, "Don't worry, it will get easier!" That entire statement is just a bit annoying in my opinion. Yes, I will have no choice but to get used to it, but it will never be easy to leave my daughter with someone else. A lady I know went back to work just three weeks after having her baby, some go back in six weeks, and some get the luxury of staying home. Thankfully, I was to able to stay out for 11 weeks with Makayla. It was the most wonderful 11 weeks getting to know my beautiful daughter. She does something new everyday, and she is getting so big so fast. After weeks of staring and smiling at her own feet, she finally found them yesterday! Way to go Makayla! Now, about my week at work. I had more work to catch up on than I had expected. I am a teacher so you can only imagine...well, maybe you can't imagine because most people have no idea the amount of meetings and paperwork that come along with the job. Add that to getting to know my students, giving assessments to find out what they've learned, and smiling at all the other teachers I pass in the hallway, when all I really want to do it catch my breath! Oh and did I mention the fact that I pump  any chance I get? I was super busy and very drained by Friday. In fact, I fell asleep on the couch Friday at 7:30 pm. The fact that I have a job that I enjoy makes this whole transition manageable.  A friend called to check on me and graciously reminded me that God placed me where He wants me. That reminded me once again that it's not all about me. 
I feel so blessed that MG's Nana is taking care of her. You see, if me and Tim have to work, then my mom would be the only other person I would want taking care of my little girl. I sure missed Makayla so much, and I know this week won't be any easier. MG smiled so happily every day when I picked her up. My daughter's smile melts my heart.

Friday, September 11, 2009

A Friday Afternoon

Today is Friday, but not just any Friday. It's the last Friday before I go back to work. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy my job and I know I was called to be a teacher, but I was also called to be a mom. So Monday will definitely be bitter-sweet for me. Last night I sat on the couch and just cried. I am so afraid that Makayla will feel abandoned and wonder why I'm not with her. Yet in my heart I know she will have fun days full of learning and laughing with her Nana, my mom.  I am trusting God and know that He will help me get through this transition of going back to work. But most of all, I pray that Makayla will have an easy transition and she will know how much I love her! I have been soaking up this extra time with Makayla. I love how we gaze into each others eyes as she drifts off to sleep holding onto my finger. I love the way she smiles and squeals with delight when I tickle her tiny feet. I love kissing her soft,chubby little cheeks. She is Mommy's little angel.

p.s. I found a great website for christian working moms. If you're a working mom, I hope you get a chance to check it out.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

MG has found her hands and her feet

MG is so adorable. For the last few weeks she has had this obsession with her hand. Sometimes it seems as though she could fit the entire fist in her mouth. ToO fUnNy! Speaking of pictures , we had Jason of J. Davis Photos come over yesterday and take pictures. I can't wait to see the portraits. Makayla did awesome. She hasn't been feeling well for the last several days so I was worried she would be fussy. She slept for a good portion of the shoot and I think it will make for some really amazing photos of our gorgeous baby. She didn't smile as much as she usually does, but that doesn't matter...I am such a proud momma!

Time seems to being flyng by these days

I can't believe that Makayla Grace is already 10 weeks old! Time really seems to be flying by these days. The other day someone asked me what Makayla is doing that  is 'new' now. Well, that was hard to answer because she is learning new things every day. It is pretty amazing to watch a baby grow. She smiles more than any baby I've ever known. She first smiled at only 2 days old. MG was holding her head up the week we brought her home from the hospital. She was really strong from the start. She was honestly trying to sit up at 6 weeks at 10 weeks she is still trying. Of course, I know that probably won't happen for a little bit longer, but man this little baby girl is super strong and seems more mature than other babies her age. Of course, she is tipping the scales at about 15 pounds already. WOW! I am actually pretty proud of myself. Her pediatrician said he usually doesn't see breastfed babies at the 97% in weight, so I am doing great. That really reassured me and made me feel proud of the fact I am giving her the best I have to offer. MG really loves her Baby Einstein gym. She loves to grab at it and kick the music box. It is fun watching her...and well I watch and play with her for hours a day. She is such a sweet baby!

The day I fell in love again!

I fell in love with Tim 7 years ago, and on June 27th I fell in love all over again...twice! I fell more in love with Tim and I met my beautiful daughter to whom I fell madly in love with. Makayla Grace was born two weeks past her due date. She was born at a very healthy weight of 8 pounds 13 ounces. I knew I would love being a mom, but I didn't know just how that love would feel. It's amazing and it's really hard to describe. Now, let me tell you that the delivery was NOT easy..even with an epidural, which doesn't work for back labor by the way. I was in labor for over 20 hours and ended up needing a c-section. I was so disappointed that I had to have a c-section and my disappointment increased as I realized after coming home from the hospital that c-sections suck...they really are horrible. So as many of you know, pain plus lack of sleep equals a little postpardum blues. Oh no! I mentioned the baby blues...seems like no one really warned me about that and no one seems to talk about it either. ( This is a topic I will write about on my website). Luckily, my baby blues drifted away as Tim and I learned how to work the sleep schedule. Sleep equals a better parent! It may not be the 8 hours I was use to but those 4-5 hours in a row were wonderful! At two months old, Makayla is now sleeping 6 hours a night and it is FAB U LOUS! So anyhow, the day Makayla was born was the day I fell in love again!

Finally I am blogging...

I finally have a blog! I am brand new to blogging but I've been wanting to for years...but didn't know exactly what to blog about. Now I have my daughter  and I thought it would be absolutely perfect to write about my journey as a mommy. So the journey has begun. I am also working on a few informational websites that deal with "mommyhood" so I will keep you posted when those are ready for publishing. I truly hope you enjoy reading about my journey as a mommy. Please 'follow me' through this jouney. God Bless.